Halloween 2008

Bryan & Jayson play Football!

Bryan and Jayson played football this last fall. they were on the Vikings! They loved it!

Even though they only won a few games they were really goods sports. Parents would always make an arch and they would run through it, they loved it! Then they would get in the circle and do a cheer!

Bryan and Amadeus! People would ask all the time if they were brothers or at least related! They were on the same team last year too! He is actually a year younger!

While we were out in Salt Lake Tyson lost his first tooth! Yea!Jayson and Emma having a banana!

Zeus and Emma wanted to play along with mom!!

Felix's Surgery Oct. 2008

The first of October Felix had to go have surgery for a hernia. We went to Salt Lake to have it done! Everything went well and he is doing really good! above: Before Surgery

below: Right after he woke up, that little ball is actually medicine that went around the incision to keep it numb. It is supposed to keep you from taking so much pain medicine!

Bryan came to the hospital with me to keep me company, but as you can see he listened to his music and laughed with his dad! No, he did keep me company!

Felix after surgery, they cut along the same scare as his last surgery 2 years ago!

After they took the staples out!

Fall Picture's Oct. 2008

Jayson relaxed watching the court of honor!
Bryan getting some merit badges at his first court of honor! He got his second class and should have his first class by his birthday in Dec.!

Tyson's first art project from school!

When kids get a hold of the camera, Jayson was having too much fun blowing bubbles!!

Silly cat Gary climbed on the shelves and then on top of the door!

Fall is here and with that comes the COLD! The sad thing is I know it is just the beginning. The boys are helping chop wood with Felix!

About a month ago our cat Fritz died, he was literally going on his 10th or 11th life! I saw some bird dogs running around the neighborhood on the day he came up missing. Jayson found him the next day at the neighbor's. He was Bryan's cat and he followed him on the roof one day. He actually climbed up the ladder, crawled on the roof and then Felix told him to come down and he did! We thought it was way cute! Now we just have two cats, which is ok with me! We had Fritz for a couple of years!