Wow time flies when your having fun! I can't believe how this last winter has just flown by!
The end of October I went and spent a week helping my sister Misty and my mom move to North Ogden. Tom and Misty were able to buy a house! It is so nice and a nice neighborhood! For Thanksgiving we went to Enoch, UT to visit my other sister Amy! We enjoyed visiting and eating yummy Thanksgiving dinner with them!! Christmas we stayed home and enjoyed having our annual Espinoza Christmas party, it was a little different because Josie wasn't there but it still turned out nice. I am glad that we do this every year, its like our family reunion! The end of February we went to Logan to see Jeni and Mike. We haven't been there for years! We are so excited for them, after 13 years of marriage they are able to adopt a baby!!!! Due the first of April!!!
Now Spring is here and I am sooo excited! It just seemed like a cold cold winter! I can't wait to go out and plant flowers! Easter is this weekend along with general conference! I love it when general conference is on Easter! I just get to sit home and enjoy the day with my family!
We had Caitlyn and Chalet for a few days! (Martin & Jana's girls) It was so much fun, they were just sweet!! It was good for the boys to have a baby around, but especially girls! I loved it, didn't feel like I was overran by boys! :-)
(March 2010)
Our new little rat Wendy! I know she looks just like Zeus, she is his daughter! (9 months)
My sister Jeni put this on Zeus! He wasn't to0 happy! Its funny cause he doesn't move when you put something on him!
Fun in the snow! We went to Misty's new house in North Ogden to bring in the New Year, 2010! Wow can you believe it! 
Christmas morning! Santa brought us a bunching bag! Maybe they will hit that instead of picking on each other!! No, probably not! :-)
Our Espinoza Christmas party Dec. 24! Yum Yum, cousins eating it up!!
AAAAA Bryan is now a teenager! December 13, 2009 he turned 13! He figured it out that he will turn 16 on Friday the 13th! I don't think I am gonna let him drive! ha ha Of course he was born on Friday the 13th and look what a wonderful day that was!! :-)