Easter 4/4/10
Winter !
Wow time flies when your having fun! I can't believe how this last winter has just flown by!
The end of October I went and spent a week helping my sister Misty and my mom move to North Ogden. Tom and Misty were able to buy a house! It is so nice and a nice neighborhood! For Thanksgiving we went to Enoch, UT to visit my other sister Amy! We enjoyed visiting and eating yummy Thanksgiving dinner with them!! Christmas we stayed home and enjoyed having our annual Espinoza Christmas party, it was a little different because Josie wasn't there but it still turned out nice. I am glad that we do this every year, its like our family reunion! The end of February we went to Logan to see Jeni and Mike. We haven't been there for years! We are so excited for them, after 13 years of marriage they are able to adopt a baby!!!! Due the first of April!!!
Now Spring is here and I am sooo excited! It just seemed like a cold cold winter! I can't wait to go out and plant flowers! Easter is this weekend along with general conference! I love it when general conference is on Easter! I just get to sit home and enjoy the day with my family!
We had Caitlyn and Chalet for a few days! (Martin & Jana's girls) It was so much fun, they were just sweet!! It was good for the boys to have a baby around, but especially girls! I loved it, didn't feel like I was overran by boys! :-)
(March 2010)
Our new little rat Wendy! I know she looks just like Zeus, she is his daughter! (9 months)
My sister Jeni put this on Zeus! He wasn't to0 happy! Its funny cause he doesn't move when you put something on him!
Fun in the snow! We went to Misty's new house in North Ogden to bring in the New Year, 2010! Wow can you believe it! 
Christmas morning! Santa brought us a bunching bag! Maybe they will hit that instead of picking on each other!! No, probably not! :-)
Our Espinoza Christmas party Dec. 24! Yum Yum, cousins eating it up!!
AAAAA Bryan is now a teenager! December 13, 2009 he turned 13! He figured it out that he will turn 16 on Friday the 13th! I don't think I am gonna let him drive! ha ha Of course he was born on Friday the 13th and look what a wonderful day that was!! :-)
August 2009
It's been a fun month, not as busy as July thank goodness! We have started football and of course there having fun! Felix is helping coach Jayson's team which he likes, but he is only able to see Bryan play a couple of games. It was a little hard on him and Bryan, but I think it was probably a good thing. I say that in a good way so that Bryan knows he can do things without his dad! Bryan's team has not won any games yet. They have a few new players that have never played before, but they are all definitely improving!!! Bryan still has fun and loves to play! Jayson's team has only lost 1 and loves to play! Jay is on the Bronco's and Bryan the Ram's. They have to be on different teams because of age, next year they will be on the same team! It keeps us busy they either have games or practice every night!
I am enjoying the peace and quiet I get to enjoy each day! Sometimes I miss the noise, but then they come home and I enjoy it even more the next day! I love them but school teaches them and gives them something to do besides tease each other! I am trying to get some things organized, its not going very fast though!
Felix went to Wood Badge the last 2 weekends. It's a major teaching course! He loved it! An anonymous guy made them walking sticks with their name and whatnot on it. It even has a little sock and shoe, way cute!
Tyson got stung!
Poor Tyson, yesterday after church I was in the library and Felix's comes down the hall with Tyson crying. Tyson is saying ow and itching and hitting his shirt, so I take it off of him and he had all these bites! We laid his shirt out and a wasp came crawling out of it! Of course we kill it!! We counted 10 bites all together, these pictures are of the next day! He is doing ok but we kept watching him to make sure he was breathing ok! The only one I am concerned about is the one on his side it is really big! We will see how it does in the next day!

What a busy summer! We found out at the end of May that Weatherford where Felix worked was closing its doors, which means, yes he is out of a job, June 3oth would be his last day. Interesting enough we were OK and felt peace with it. We know that he will find another job. Now we are at the point of OK where is the job he is supposed to have, so we are looking!
Bryan finished baseball, his team took 2nd place! Tyson played T-ball and enjoyed it, even know he had to miss the last game!
July has been BUSY! We have spent about 9 days at home, total! We decided to go to Salt Lake for the 4th and spend it with mom and dad! Then we said, "hey might as well stay the week" so we did! We came home on the 10th and then the 13th through the 17th we would all be camping!
Felix, Bryan and Jayson went to High Uinta's (scouts) and I went to Heber Valley Camp for girls camp, so my mom said she could keep Tyson for us! Bryan went up last year, but it was Jayson and Felix's first time and the Bishop decided to let Felix be in charge since he was the only one staying the whole week. He actually is the assistant new Scout leader. He always had someone up there to help him, but they would stay a day or two and then someone else would come up! He was also lucky because an older guy came up the whole week and helped them cook, so they didn't starve! They had so much fun!
I got called to be the assistant Girls camp leader. At first I was like why I don't have any girls and I was a little intimidated. I wasn't sure what to expect. I loved girls camp when I went, but things are definitely different now, not really! We went to Heber Valley and if you never been it is just amazing. The spirit up there is awesome! We stayed in Marjorie Pay Hinckley camp and it was just neat, I connected with the girls right away and I was wondering what I ever had to be nervous about! I think in a way it just brings out the girl in you, I laughed so hard and had a wonderful time. The only down fall was I wasn't able to talk to Felix or the boys (phones don't work). It never hit me until the day before we left, but it was good. I have not gone that long without talking to them for at least 10 years! We just have an amazing ward!
Well we came home for a few days and then went back to Salt Lake on the 23rd. We had to pick Tyson up, but also my brother Riley and his son Tyler (who we haven't had the chance to meet yet) was coming up for a week! Tyler is 8, so that's how long its been since we saw them, that is sad! Hopefully it won't be so long next time!! We had a lot of fun! The cousins had fun playing and we had fun talking and hanging out!
Now we are home, YEA! And now we are getting ready for FOOTBALL, practice starts tonight! I guess we are also getting ready to start school in a few weeks, that's a yea too! We got a few school clothes out in Salt Lake, so now it is just getting them to bed early and getting up early. Bryan is now in 7th and Jayson is going into 6th which means........ they have to get up a lot earlier, like 5:30- 6am. Tyson no problem he is going into first, all day! so wow the whole day they will be in school. YEA!
I will put some pictures on later today or tomorrow of our fun summer!
Have a good day!
Bryan finished baseball, his team took 2nd place! Tyson played T-ball and enjoyed it, even know he had to miss the last game!
July has been BUSY! We have spent about 9 days at home, total! We decided to go to Salt Lake for the 4th and spend it with mom and dad! Then we said, "hey might as well stay the week" so we did! We came home on the 10th and then the 13th through the 17th we would all be camping!
Felix, Bryan and Jayson went to High Uinta's (scouts) and I went to Heber Valley Camp for girls camp, so my mom said she could keep Tyson for us! Bryan went up last year, but it was Jayson and Felix's first time and the Bishop decided to let Felix be in charge since he was the only one staying the whole week. He actually is the assistant new Scout leader. He always had someone up there to help him, but they would stay a day or two and then someone else would come up! He was also lucky because an older guy came up the whole week and helped them cook, so they didn't starve! They had so much fun!
I got called to be the assistant Girls camp leader. At first I was like why I don't have any girls and I was a little intimidated. I wasn't sure what to expect. I loved girls camp when I went, but things are definitely different now, not really! We went to Heber Valley and if you never been it is just amazing. The spirit up there is awesome! We stayed in Marjorie Pay Hinckley camp and it was just neat, I connected with the girls right away and I was wondering what I ever had to be nervous about! I think in a way it just brings out the girl in you, I laughed so hard and had a wonderful time. The only down fall was I wasn't able to talk to Felix or the boys (phones don't work). It never hit me until the day before we left, but it was good. I have not gone that long without talking to them for at least 10 years! We just have an amazing ward!
Well we came home for a few days and then went back to Salt Lake on the 23rd. We had to pick Tyson up, but also my brother Riley and his son Tyler (who we haven't had the chance to meet yet) was coming up for a week! Tyler is 8, so that's how long its been since we saw them, that is sad! Hopefully it won't be so long next time!! We had a lot of fun! The cousins had fun playing and we had fun talking and hanging out!
Now we are home, YEA! And now we are getting ready for FOOTBALL, practice starts tonight! I guess we are also getting ready to start school in a few weeks, that's a yea too! We got a few school clothes out in Salt Lake, so now it is just getting them to bed early and getting up early. Bryan is now in 7th and Jayson is going into 6th which means........ they have to get up a lot earlier, like 5:30- 6am. Tyson no problem he is going into first, all day! so wow the whole day they will be in school. YEA!
I will put some pictures on later today or tomorrow of our fun summer!
Have a good day!
Mother's Day!
I had a wonderful Mother's Day! Saturday we invited my friends Becky and Wicky and their families over and barbecued! I didn't even think of getting my camera out! It was a beautiful evening to be outside, the kids played and we visited! It was neat to reminisce about the good old days! I can't believe we have been friends for almost 29 years! Do you all remember Wicky's dad Alan, have you ever seen him without a mustache? Well I haven't! He got called as 1st councilor in his ward last year and I guess he is going to start working at the temple, so respectfully he shaved it off!
Felix and the boys made me cards and got my some flowers. He also got me a George Foreman grill, sweet! It turned out to be just a nice and relaxing Sunday!
Felix and the boys made me cards and got my some flowers. He also got me a George Foreman grill, sweet! It turned out to be just a nice and relaxing Sunday!
Here you go SHANE :)
Shane was so nice to call me and wish me a happy mommies day and we got talking and he said he wanted to see some pictures of the house so here they are! We are still trying to get things clean up in the back and east side! I can't wait to plant some flowers, it will look purty!
We just put this porch on about 2 weeks ago! I will take a better pitcure next week. My computer is getting fixed so I am using my dinosaur and it doesn't have the hook up for my camera. This pic. is from my phone!

Just a few words!
Just a few words since it has been awhile since I have posted! We had a wonderful, not so snowy winter! Thanksgiving was yummy, we went to Salt Lake and spent it with my mom and sister Misty! We had a fun Christmas! Our neighbors did the 12 days of Christmas to us and it was so much fun! The boys tried to catch them each night but wasn't successful. They had some creative things! Santa brought us Guitar Hero for our WII, and we enjoy jamming!
January was burrr! February wasn't so fun! Felix's mom passed away a week after turning 70 yrs old on Feb. 9. Everything turned out as good as it could have and we are doing well. We miss her but she was really sick and sometimes I think it was a blessing!
It was nice to have spring come in and celebrate Easter, we decided to go and spend it in Salt Lake (of course) and had a blast!
Now school is almost out and it is almost summer! WOW time does fly! I think it is funny in Aug. you just can't wait for school to start and by the time May comes your ready or school to be out! I like this background that I have chosen it fits! Bryan has started and Tyson will be, Jayson didn't want to play this year!
January was burrr! February wasn't so fun! Felix's mom passed away a week after turning 70 yrs old on Feb. 9. Everything turned out as good as it could have and we are doing well. We miss her but she was really sick and sometimes I think it was a blessing!
It was nice to have spring come in and celebrate Easter, we decided to go and spend it in Salt Lake (of course) and had a blast!
Now school is almost out and it is almost summer! WOW time does fly! I think it is funny in Aug. you just can't wait for school to start and by the time May comes your ready or school to be out! I like this background that I have chosen it fits! Bryan has started and Tyson will be, Jayson didn't want to play this year!
Jayson, well he's Jayson! A month or so ago he was playing football at school and ran into a bush! OUCH! We are very blessed a twig barely missed his pupil, we took him to the eye doctor and he just gave us some drops to put in and told him he had to stay in for the next 2 days! This was so he wouldn't get it infected. It took a little tiny chunk out of his eye! Within a week you couldn't even tell! He is doing well in school and will be going into 6th grade next year! aaaaaaa!
Bryan's 12th Birthday!
Bryan's Birthday was Dec. 13, I cannot believe he turned 12! Felix was able to ordain him a deacon. He loves young mens and scouts! He was able to go on the winter campout (Klondike) in January, he said he didn't get to cold! (of course the had heaters in the tent's)
He will be finishing up 6th grade the end of may, so far he is doing good with grades, had some rough patches but was able to get got up.
Tyson turn's 6!
I can't believe my baby is 6, I guess he is not a baby anymore! He had a couple of friends come over and then some of his older cousin's came for his family party! Felicia, Domenick and their honeys came over and I thought that was really nice! Martin was out of town! We had alot of fun!!
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